Administración concomitante de vacunas COVID

Las fichas técnicas de las 4 vacunas COVID autorizadas en España informan a día de hoy:

4.5 Interacción con otros medicamentos y otras formas de interacción

  • No se han realizado estudios de interacciones.
  • No se ha estudiado la administración concomitante con otras vacunas.

Enlaces: ComirnatyCovid-19 Vaccine JanssenSpikevaxVaxzevria

1 comentario:

  1. We condemn the complicit silence of all television networks and newspapesr all around the world, because they are hiding the suffering of the Australian people.
    Violent felons with police uniform are committing brutal violence, producing injuries and even homicide against unarmed people, peaceful parents and honorable workers who respect the laws.
    The Australian government is not respecting human rights and are committing crimes against humanity. The Australian people are suffering lockouts, kidnapping, tortures and seizures.
    Tyrants must be overthrown, arrested and brought to justice.
    The right for freedom justifies the legitimate rebellion of the people.
    Cheer up Australia!
    The people will win!
